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If you’ve recently become fond of using Cannabis for medicinal or recreational purposes it’s important to know about your local laws and regulations, and what to do and how to act in the dreaded instance that you are arrested for it. This is especially important if legalization hasn’t occurred in your state, province, or country. In this article we’ll take a deep dive into the state of marijuana arrests, as well as give you tips to help ensure that if these problems arise you will know what to do.
How many people are arrested for marijuana possession each year?
United States
Despite the decriminalization of the substance in 33 states and Washington, D.C. the war on drugs continues in the United States. According to research of marijuana incarceration statistics in the US, law enforcement charges about 600,000 individuals every year for marijuana-related arrests. These frightening statistics suggest millions now hold criminal records for simply trying to alleviate chronic pain issues through the use of medical marijuana.
In 2019 data from the FBI‘s uniform crime report (published yearly by the FBI) revealed that police arrested 545,602 people for cannabis related crimes. That arrest rate is 9% higher than the 495,871 people arrested for violent crimes the same year. And those being arrested for cannabis aren’t just those making money from selling, growing or manufacturing the drug they are mostly just people who use cannabis. The vast majority of these arrests (92%) were for simple possession of the drug. 500,395 of those arrested for cannabis were simply found in possession of cannabis. Even if we take out all the arrests for being involved in unregulated cannabis commerce and just focus on arrests for cannabis possession, the numbers still outpace arrests for violent crimes.
The EU (European Union)
The EMCDDA (European Monitoring Center for Drugs & Drug Addiction) collects routine arrest data on drug arrests from all EU Member States, Norway and Turkey. Broadly speaking, these are law enforcement reports of acts that breach drug laws, usually recorded regardless of any subsequent charge or penalty. It is estimated that around 1.5 million drug law offenses are reported each year in the European Union. Of these, about 760,000 were related to cannabis in 2015. 609,000 of which were cannabis use-related offences (usually use or personal possession). Because some countries do not report recorded warnings or minor offences to the EMCDDA, these numbers almost certainly underestimate the true extent of drug law offences in Europe.
What are the consequences of being arrested for marijuana?
United States
As we stated earlier, nine out of ten of the marijuana arrests in the United States are for mere possession of the substance. Depending on what state you’re in, and how much you are caught with, punishments can vary from large fines, community service, and even jail time. Additionally, your conviction will forever be on your permanent record, even if it’s just a misdemeanor. This can have dire consequences like parents losing children during court proceedings, deportation for immigrants, and eviction from public housing.
The EU (European Union)
Like the US, depending on what EU member state you are in punishments will vary. For instance, in France possession up to 100g entails a 200€ fine since November 2018, although a judge is still legally able to sentence you to a maximum prison sentence of one year and a fine of up to 3,750€. In Slovakia, possession or use of small amounts of cannabis (just 1 joint) is punishable by up to eight years in prison. The EU is gaining new member states by the year, and listing each countries particular laws would take a while, so if you are an EU citizen it is important to look up what the possible punishments are in your country.
Racial Disparities
Racial Disparity is when a particular racial group systemically and disproportionately experiences worse outcomes in comparison to another racial group or groups. Racial Disparities may occur in a range of areas, including but not limited to education, employment, wealth, policing, criminal justice, health, transportation, housing, homelessness, and especially marijuana-related arrests. According to the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) arrest data revealed a consistent trend of significant racial bias in the US. Despite roughly equal usage rates, black people are 3.73 times more likely than white people to be arrested for marijuana. It’s sad to have to write that your ethnicity may also be a factor in wether or not you are even approached and questioned by a police officer. If you are like us and want to see change, become a member of the ACLU and make a donation today, anything helps. (click here)
Tips to avoid getting busted
Invest in smell-neutralization: Cannabis has a unique smell that police officers know all too well. One of the easiest ways one can get caught is by becoming careless about where you smoke and store your stash. Here at GrassCity.com we’ve got a wide variety of solutions such as deodorizing sprays, smell-proof storage solutions, and even a smell neutralizing machine! (click here)
Where you smoke matters: If you live somewhere with harsh marijuana laws where you light up that joint important. Everyone has different life circumstances, and may live in highly congested areas so unfortunately there is no clear cut solution. What is most important is making sure you are free from prying eyes and curious noses. Choosing times of the day when most people are asleep is also a good tip.
Ditch the smoke, get a vape: Discreet smoking is more comfortable with a vaporizer. The smell isn't as harsh as regular smoking because the vapes are designed for prudent convenience. Vaporizing herbs can be done anywhere. With portable dry herb vaporizers, there's no need to worry about where you're going to smoke. It doesn't matter if you have an office, home, car, boat, etc.; you can still enjoy vaping while on the go. You don't have to wait until you get back from work before enjoying some good weed.
Don’t travel with your stash: Keeping your sticky buds in a safe place in your home will minimize your chances of getting a possession of marijuana charge. It may seem enticing to bring a joint to a concert, or just to decompress on the walk home after work. These acts will only increase your chances of coming across a police officer and even worse, a drug-sniffing dog. If you do have to travel with it (for instance if you have just purchased some and are taking it home) make sure you have a smell-proof bag or container to transport. pro tip: Research on how scents permeate have shown that even items in a smell proof bag can be smelled by dogs if inside for a long time. With this in mind, get your buds in their container only when you just about to hit the road. Putting that container inside of a jar of instant coffee will give you fighting chance as the smell of the coffee will overpower the cannabis scent for a short time
Keep it secret, keep it safe: The words of Gandalf the Grey ring true in this instance. If you live in somewhere with harsh punishments for marijuana use, it’s best to keep your habits out of conversation. You never know who could be listening, and even a trusted friend or family member could find themselves in a position where they discuss your use with someone who works at your local police department.
Move somewhere that has seen marijuana legalization: We have touched on this in a previous article, but if you need access to cannabis for medical reasons and your lack of safe access makes your day to day life unbearable it may be worth considering. Canada made front page news with their recent marijuana reform for medical and recreational use, or if you are a U.S. citizen moving somewhere like Colorado could be mean your days of getting a marijuana possession arrest could be a thing of the past.